KP Foods Voltage Optimisation

Average annual saving
Reduction CO2 emissions
Payback Period
KP Foods manufacture high quality savoury snacks. They pride themselves on having a thorough environmental management system and make a conscious effort to reduce their impact on the environment, constantly seeking improvements to minimise their environmental impact.
GWE established the voltage and load profile, and proposed that implementing a VO project would significantly reduce CO2 emissions on site (over 93 tonnes per year), minimising their carbon footprint as well as yielding energy cost savings.
10.2% average energy savings achieved by the ECO-MAX Voltage Optimisation Unit
An ECO-MAX-POWER 800A combined Voltage Optimisation (including ‘Brownout’ under voltage inhibit) and automatic Power Factor Correction system was installed. Voltage on site was reduced by 7%. The overall project cost was £28,635.31, with a payback period of 24.6 months.
GWE anticipated consumption savings of 9.24%. This was exceeded in subsequent post install analysis, and average savings of 10.2% were recorded.

KP were satisfied with the results of the installation, and felt confident that the ECO-MAX optimiser was contributing to their environmental targets. KP have also found that due to the reduction in voltage spikes and fluctuations, electrical equipment has a longer operational life and works more effectively at the reduced voltage.
The graph shows the On/Off post installation analysis carried out at KP Foods.
This shows that the maximum demand (kVA) was reduced by an average of 10.2% by the implementation of ECO-MAX Voltage Optimisation.