Voltage Optimisation Products
ECO-MAX technology
Energy Saving on an Industrial Scale
Due to the inherent overvoltage across the UK, its inevitable that most electrical equipment across a large site will be consuming more power than it needs to operate efficiently, meaning it will burn out quicker increasing maintenance costs, and most importantly your electricity bills will be higher than necessary month on month, year on year!
If you use any of the following electrical equipment, over long periods of time, then your business can benefit from extraordinary savings on your electricity bills when you install an Eco-Max Power Voltage Optimiser.
Conveyor belts
Offices & Appliances
Printing presses
Refrigeration units
Air compressors
Welding Equipment
Fabrication Machinery
Space and Process Heating
Fluorescent strip lights
Sodium & Metal Halide Roof & Flood Lighting
Motors, Fans & Pumps
Outside Lighting & Towers

Eco-MAX range of Voltage Optimisers have provided industrial giants such as Amazon, ASDA and Kelloggs around 70% return on investment with the Eco-MAX Power.
Using an ECO-MAX Voltage Optimiser to adjust the Voltage supply across your site, means you will only pay for the electricity you actually need to use. This typically means a 10% reduction in energy bills.
Every business in the UK is different; providing specific products for their own unique market sector. Reset Eco ensures the design of the ECO-Max Power systems exactly suit the specifics of your business.
We supply a range of add-on modules which allow you to have a bespoke solution at an off-the-shelf cost.
Public Sector
The Covid pandemic, the current energy crisis, and a weakened global economy have combined to negatively impact an already stretched public sector. The Government has set ambitious targets to reduce the UK’s emissions. Factor in the measures necessary to remain sustainable and accountable to those Net Zero policies and legislation across all public sector property assets such as hospitals, universities, colleges, and other public service providers, and you have an increased pressure to balance finances while achieving a credible carbon net zero future.
Reducing the consumption and costs of energy in this sector can provide greater financial resilience at a time of increasing demand for public services.
State-owned assets with high voltages can effectively reduce consumption, costs and co2 emissions with no reduction in the operational activity required to maintain services. The Eco Max Power voltage optimisation systems are more effective than HV/LV distribution transformers to reduce voltages further on large sites and can be used in addition to these more traditional systems.
By reducing the voltage VO also increases the operational life of most equipment reducing opex and capex budgets.
Community hubs and outpatient centres
Council offices
Municipal Buildings
Fire and Police Services
Public Leisure facilities

Save up to 19% on your electricity bills by installing a three phase voltage optimiser at your business.
Thanks to harmonisation across Europe much of our equipment works most efficiently at 220v. In the UK electricity is supplied at an average of 242v. Anything over this voltage is wasting energy – energy you are paying for.
By reducing or ‘Optimising’ the voltage supply to your electrical equipment you make instant savings. In addition to the immediate reduction of your utilities bill, you will prolong the life of your equipment by reducing power consumption; as well as reducing the carbon footprint of your organisation.
Quick and easy to fit, the Eco-Max Commercial Voltage Optimiser will make an instant impact on the profitability of your business.
Commercial Energy Saving
Running any business is a balancing act of keeping costs low whilst maximising income and as business owners we rely on our service providers to offer us a good deal. Current turmoil in world economies has heavily impacted the energy sector, resulting in spiralling energy rates and no deals on the table.
Along with the immediate energy crisis, an out-dated energy distribution infrastructure means we are often paying far more for electricity than necessary as energy is distributed at a higher voltage than needed.
When a high voltage supply results in oversupplying your equipment with electricity, you pay for that additional energy. This really mounts up when you work in an industry that needs to leave electrical devices running all day long such as manufacturing, commercial buildings and offices.
In hospitality and retail, maintaining great customer experience is key to continued business sucess. Reducing energy use by cutting back on operations can be detrimental to that all important experience particularly in the hotel environment. Making operational efficiencies to the actual supply instead, keeps your customer happy while making those essential savings.
Environmentally conscious customers and stakeholders are also increasingly looking to the business owner to demonstrate action in NZC planning and execution. The value of a business or property asset is closely linked to NZC status with new legislations now in place. Reducing energy usage and the corresponding drop in co2 emissions is a positive step forward to maintaining the overall value of your business and helping to secure a healthy future for the planet.

Hierarchicy of Savings

Reducing your high voltage is highly effective in making big savings to energy in these businesses:
Hotels, restaurants and pubs
Manufacturing plants
Leisure facilities, Spa & pools
Commercial buildings & Offices
Not only does the power oversupply to equipment mean you are paying for more electricity, but it shortens the life of your appliances. By reducing voltage supply to your equipment with an Eco-Max voltage optimiser, it is possible to make a substantial energy saving and prolong the life of your company’s assets.

Monitor your savings in real time
You will be able to see for yourself exactly what you are saving, in real time, anytime and from any PC, Tablet or smartphone with the remote monitoring system.